Thursday, April 20, 2017

Caitlin Murphy- BOTA: A More in Depth Explanation

BOTA: A more in Depth Explanation 
As stated in my previous blog post, there is a California based Religion that I bet you have never heard of called Builders of the Adytum, otherwise known as BOTA. BOTA has members all around the United States, New Zealand, and Europe. There is no specific religion it is based primarily off of, but shares beliefs with the Christian and Jewish religions.

Right off the bat, I assumed BOTA was a cult. The founder is a "Doctor" and some key words in their description were astrology, meditation, and healing. There are "meet up groups" stationed all over the world, where like minded people can share their beliefs and live in harmony together. The people of BOTA strive to "build the Inner Temple" and "construct the holy of holiness within" (Case).

Members must go through an application process to become a member of BOTA, pay dues, and give donations. BOTA is a non profit, tax except corporation. There are books, CDs, and audio books on their site that you can buy to learn more about the religion.

My final thoughts after digging through their website, I still believe it to be a form of a cult. I can only hope it is as positive and safe as the founder describes it to be, but I am still quite skeptical.

B.O.T.A. Builders of the Adytum. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

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