Thursday, April 27, 2017

Issues of Faith Presented in K-PAX

While watching K-PAX, it became clear to me that this film represents the issue of having faith in something above human understanding throughout religion. It is evident throughout the film that the main issue presented is the difference in those that believe Prot is from K-PAX, and those that do not. Although he does demonstrate some evidence that he is otherworldly, such as the orbital path of K-PAX and his unexplained absence for 3 days, some characters are still not convinced of his origin. Just as in religion, many people struggle with having faith in a higher power due to its intangible nature. I know personally, I have struggled with developing a strong faith for religion because I have always learned and believed in things based on a strong factual basis behind them.
The film also brings to light the varying beliefs in Prot’s backstory in relation to the various levels of intellect within the mental hospital. The patients all buy into Prot’s explanation and seem to better themselves and their current conditions because of it, whereas the doctors who continue to downplay Prot and label him as crazy actually begin to make their lives even more stressful trying to prove his mortality. For example, one of the patients diagnosed with acute OCD is tasked with various assignments by Prot, which ends up helping cure his OCD and eventually allows him to be released. On the other hand, Dr. Powell continues to try and prove Prot is from Earth, and in doing so brings about more conflicts in his life both at work and at home. Following the end of the film, it is clear that those who interacted with Prot and had faith in his origin were better off for it, while those who belittled his claims to live on K-PAX brought about more conflict within their own lives.

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