Saturday, April 22, 2017

Facial and Bodily Expressions in Harold and Mod

I found the facial and bodily expressions in Harold and Mod to be fascinating and incredibly well done. By means of these expressions, there was so much communicated both between characters and between the characters and the viewer, though no words were spoken. Understanding the premise of the film made these expressions all the more captivating and funny. Harold, who scares off all the girls his mother sends his way, has just scared off another suitor. He looks at the camera and smirks, engaging the viewer. His mother, meanwhile, is burning holes into him with her eyes and looks him up and down, sizing him up and trying to figure out how she’s going to beat him. High off his most recent victory, Harold’s chin proudly goes up as he looks over at his mother as if challenging her. The viewer can practically hear him say, “bring it on”. His mother catches his glance (beats him to it) and he instantly deflates. I never really stopped to think before about how an actor or actress can communicate so much to the viewer through facial and bodily expressions; it certainly adds to the film.

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