Friday, April 28, 2017

Rebekah Cook - Mission Trips

During my high school and college years, I’ve had the opportunity to attend abroad mission trips to third world countries, Nicaragua and Mexico specifically.  While on those trips, we lived like they did.  There was no phone service, no hot showers, and sometimes no roof over our head.  While it seems like that’s a horrible way to live, I actually really looked forward to going back every summer because it forced me to get away from the fast paced, materialistic life.  While it made me very thankful for the things we have here in America, it changed the way I looked at life.  They have close to nothing, yet they were the happiest people I had ever met.  Relationships with other people are really all they have most of the time and those relationships were some of the strongest I’ve witnessed.  Technology allows us to keep in touch with friends and family at all times and those who live far away, but does that actually make our relationships stronger?

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