Thursday, April 27, 2017

What's it all for?

For the whole time that I have been at CNU I have struggled to understand why I am here, and what I am going to do with what i've gained during my time here. While I am still unsure of the answers to those questions I can certainly tell you my favorite part about it all. The experiences I have had with the people I have met are priceless. Most of my best lessons have come from outside the classroom; becoming closer with nature. The further my lessons in the classroom take me, the more that I crave to do something to help the environment. I believe that learning how to see the world from as many different angles as possible is key to understanding how to fix the problems of the world. I believe that we need to use the lessons we are taught to make positive changes in our lives. I have been fortunate to study under some amazing professors. There have even been times that i have felt passionate about my school work because I have been able to explore topics that interest me. I aim to use the lessons and skills that I have learned to make myself into a person who can contribute to the world and to others around me. View every experience in life as a teacher.

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