Friday, April 28, 2017

Rebekah Cook - Thoughts on death in Narnia

Of course everyone knows about the religious symbolism in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia.  So many Christian parallels exist such as how Aslan represents Jesus, Jadis is Satan, and the plot of the movie represents the entire story behind the resurrection of Jesus and the fall of Satan.  Recently in thinking about this film and possible different elements it might contain, I thought about how the oven in the short film Bunny represented a gate in the way it transported the bunny to a starry sky, which represented that she died.  In Narnia, the wardrobe acts as a gate to another world as the children are able to go back and forth between the real world and Narnia.  The movie is also set during a time of war, and war is associated with death.  Although morbid to consider in such a great kids movie, could the idea of death be associated with this wardrobe?

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