Friday, April 21, 2017

Caitlin Murpphy- Atheist Professor vs Christian Student

Atheist Professor vs Christian Student 

It is unknown to me whether or not this conversation is real or just a hypothetical situation used as a form of entertainment online, but I stumbles across a conversation between an Atheist Professor and Christian Student. There are many cringe worthy moments in this dialogue, but also a very eyeopening concept rooted within. 

The setting is the first day of class in what seems to be a large lecture hall. The professor is obviously a scientist or evolutionist, lacking all true knowledge about religion. He begins the conversation by asking a Christian student to stand up and he asks him a series of questions including: "Do you believe in God?" and "Is God good?". The student without hesitation answers "Yes" to both questions. The professor then gets more intense with his questions. In a very harsh tone he asks is the student has ever seen, smelled, tasted, etc. God and the student answers "no". The professor is trying to say that based off of our five senses, it is impossible for him to exist because we have no physical proof.  

Another Christian notices the original student feeling defeated, and stands up to speak. He turns the professor's question on him asking the class if they have ever seen, felt, smelled, etc. the professor's brain. When the class answers no, he says, "Well, then he must not have one," This shuts the professor up entirely.

Giving no opinions of my own, I think it is clear who the winner is in this argument. Just because we cannot see something, does not mean it does not exist. Science should be a way to prove this concept, yet our world turns science and religion against each other. Why do you think that is? Is it a cultural norm to oppose the two? Or is this a deeper reasoning? 
Atheist Professor vs Christian Student. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2017.

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