Thursday, April 27, 2017

Some Haikus; from the heart

Where does will come from
These words i hear within me
How is man not God

Animal and man
Why not embrace hand in paw
Share life together

Feelings from the heart
Passions burn like hot embers
Lust for love and life

The river flows through
Between the trees and the plants
Watch the water dance

Bask in life's warm glow
Energy that always flows
From the sun comes life

Lessons about life
Through another's eyes we see
How this life should be

This poetry was inspired by the encounter i had with my friend Niki discussing theories about the fabric of space and time. It is incredibly interesting to hear the opinions of others, especially regarding ideas that i haven't considered before. Niki's passion in life has brought happiness to me and my friends because she is so set on pursuing it and learning more. Working towards a better version of myself is something that I aim for in my life.

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