Thursday, April 20, 2017

Caitlin Murphy- Jesus is: Chapter 10

Jesus Is: Chapter 10 

A book I am reading in my small group bible study is called "Jesus Is" by Judah Smith. Judah is a pastor is Los Angeles, California that has 3 fantastic books in a 3 part series about being a Christian. I have read all three, but am now re-reading book one with my friends. Chapter 10 is what we discussed this week, which is all about doing good for the world and God, and not for a ticket to heaven. Judah compares this to his friends going golfing with their friend Bubba, a professional golfer, and all of his friends trying to impress Bubba with their golf skills rather than enjoy the game. Christians, including me, often lose sight of their reasoning to do good, and only do it to impress others, and primarily, God. We must understand that serving the lord will make him proud, without having to impress others in the process. 

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