Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Daniel Haskett - The Shack

The Shack was a book that my mom liked. It was one of those Christian books that middle aged women loved to swoon over. She went back and forth from The Shack and a Christian series that followed an Amish family. That's getting a little off track, but that is the caliber of what I thought this novel was on. My misconceptions were soon turned on their head. This film had it's ups and it's downs, but, overall, it was a great film.

The critics' reviews vary in depth and accuracy. One critique that I have for the film is the overarching perception of who God was. The whole movie their was emphasis on the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each of them was depicted as soft and fuzzy in person. Though this may be accurate in some aspects, there is also a side of God that people are in denial about. This side is the wrath of God. Though the love and gentleness of God is apparent and important the righteous anger shouldn't be forgotten. Our God is jealous and loves us in the most extreme way possible. That means that he does not want to stray away from his love and presence.

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