Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Human Connection

I have always struggled to understand why there are voids between people of different races. It is completely clear that all humans are basically the same. There are only minimal differences between people, and they certainly don't make a difference that should matter as much as it does. It is painful to see the amount of hate that is in this world simply because people look different. In the future I believe that people will be able to look past race and see that the only way to preserve our planet and species is to work together towards a common goal. Religion as it is today is also a huge factor in keeping people apart. If there a universal religion or none at all, the world would function much more smoothly. The single religion would have to be collectively realized by everyone and not forced upon them to work. Religion has been a way for people to feel connected to something greater than themselves. I believe that eventually people will realize that we are all connected by something greater than any constructed religion.

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