Saturday, April 22, 2017

Caitlin Murphy- Buzzfeed Troubles

Buzzfeed Troubles

As one of my dream jobs for years, Buzzfeed is one of the most successful online video content productions of our time. Buzzfeed has multiple Youtube channels along with their own website/app that holds news articles, more videos, and quizzes. It is the teen and young adult 2017 version of a magazine. 

Along with any company though, it faces its share of scandals. Lately, Buzzed has been losing a lot of their well known faces due to flaws in the system. Safia, the creator of one of Buzzfeed's most popular video series "Ladylike", and my personal favorite person at Buzzfeed has officially left the company and has started her own Youtube channel now. Safia has come out publicly on her new channel saying she loved her time at Buzzfeed and the people she met along the way, but the cons started to out weigh the pros. Her and many other ex Buzzfeed workers say there was no independence given to them. Even if they were the soul creator, producer, or director of a video idea, the rights would go all to Buzzfeed. They feel like they are not getting the fair recognition they deserve. Buzzfeed workers are also not allowed to have their own personal Youtube channel, making them feel like clones to a mass corporation. 

As I was initially sad Safia left Buzzfeed, I understand her reasoning behind it. Feeling like a tiny ant in a huge company can feel belittling, especially when you are one of the main reasons the company has grown so much. 

Does anyone else enjoy Buzzfeed? 

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