Friday, April 28, 2017

Rebekah Cook - Decalogue and Thoughts on Technology

The Decalogue is a series of episodes created to explore the emotions of the Ten Commandments.  The episode which really impacted me was the episode on the commandment “Thou shalt have no gods before Me.”  It focused on a father and his named Pavel.  Pavel’s father was extremely smart and understood everything has fact and technological.  While Pavel appreciated technology like his father, he was also very curious about religion and immaterial things.  Pavel’s father calculated the thickness of ice on the iced over pond near their apartment and told Pavel that it was safe for him to go out on the ice.  However, his calculations failed him and Pavel slipped through the ice.  The tragic event which led to Pavel’s death was because of a mistake made by technology.  This made me think of how reliant society is on technology these days and how we sometimes forget to look beyond material things.  While this episode was based on not worshipping false gods, I think it can also serve as a representation of how much technology has taken over the world recently.  If we took a step back from technology for a week or even a day, how different would we see the world around us?

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