Saturday, April 22, 2017

Caitlin Murphy- Kitchen Nightmare

Kitchen Nightmare 

I am home for the weekend so I can study for finals in peace (Roommates are loud and I only live 40 mins away from school) and I come home to chaos. My parents have decided to remodel our entire kitchen, and this is turning our whole lives upside down, dramatic I know, but it is true. 

I thought I was coming home to have a place to study in silence, but they have invited every kitchen remodeling company into our home for client interest meetings. These people have very loud voices, and I am stressed. 

I have also just learned that THE WEEK I come home for summer breaks after finals, we have to move out of the house for the hardwood floors to be expanded into our kitchen. As soon as I come home for summer break, I have to leave. Thankfully my grandparents live 10 minutes away, but what's the point of even moving my stuff out of my apartment at school? I might just stay for another week at this point. 

Don't get me wrong, I am super excited to have a new kitchen, but why do they decide to move forward with the process as soon as I come home? Parents, man. 

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