Friday, April 28, 2017

Donny Darko Reflection

     I found found the film Donny Darko to be a very interesting and incredibly fun to watch.  I think that the concept that stuck with me the most was Patrick Swayze's character, Jim Cunningham.  I think that the producers of this film did an excellent job in symbolizing the anti-Christ through him. The anti-Christ, Biblically, is said to be going around and claiming to have the answers to abundant life but is very deceptive.  Jim Cunningham did this in attempts to sell his self-help book.  Donny sees through this and actually straightforward calls him the Anti-Christ.  I find this symbolism, in my opinion, is much stronger than Donny representing Jesus through sacrificial death.

Do you think Donny could have represented just sacrifice in general as opposed to Jesus of Nazareth?

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