Friday, April 28, 2017

Daniel Haskett - Professional Ministry

I want to do ministry. There is nothing that brings me more joy than to talk about the Gospel of Jesus Christ with anyone that I come across. When someone says they want to do ministry, many believe that means being a minister or working for a Christian organization that spreads the good news, but that is not all what I think about. 

I love where I work. I love that I am surrounded by people that believe in the Lord, and people that aren't believers at all. We are called to go out and spread the good news, and we can't do that if we surrounded by people who already know the good news. Professional ministry is what I would like to pursue in the future. Working hard and glorifying the Lord in your job and personal life is what I strive for. Though I am not perfect in any way, I get asked all the time why I am so patient, or why I didn't get angry with a person that didn't know what they were doing. My response would be that is not what I'm called to do. Loving others how they should be loved brings the greatest of results. I am passionate about serving others, and I'm excited to bring ministry into that.

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