Sunday, April 23, 2017

Caitlin Murphy- Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

As one of the more light-hearted films of the semester, main character Joel is an average man who feels like his life is in a never ending cycle of boredom. Waking up, going to work, and going home every day, with no social life. This becomes very strenuous on his mental health. On the bus one day he meets an eccentric girl named Clementine. She comes on to him very quickly, and he backs away due to being shy and lacking self esteem. As he opens up a little more, and backs off from his awkward social skills, they become very fond of each other; and then in turn, fall in love.

The movie is happy go lucky for a few scenes until the two suddenly break up with no explanation of why for the viewers. Next thing you know, there are weird scientist in the back of a van with machinery, which was very confusing for the viewer. Joel wants Clem back, but she pretends (we thought) that she does not know who he is. We assume she is just being petty and ignoring her, but then find out she has gotten a procedure done to wipe away all memory of him. The rest of the movie is him trying to lose memory of her through the procedure, but then wishing he hadn't. He tries to reverse the procedure while he is unconscious, and actually succeeds at it for the most part. The film has a lot of back and fourth that I don't think is worth explaining any further.

I wonder how our society would be if we could have a procedure to forget people or events. It sounds cool, but could really be detrimental. We are always told in TV shows that if you go into the past and change something, the future will change drastically. We see this plot in Back to the Future. We would not only mess up the future events God has planned for us, but we would also be losing the chance to learn from experiences and mistakes. Conflict, tragedy, and sin are all meant to happen for the greater of our future, and this procedure would completely ruin it.

If you could allow this procedure into our world would you? And why? 

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