Saturday, April 22, 2017

Caitlin Murphy- Stream of Consciousness

Stream of Consciousness 

As I was driving through the MMBT and bridge last night, I had many thoughts flowing through my mind. Knowing I had blogs to write that could be about anything, I started making mental notes of all of my thoughts. Let's hope I can remember them all. 

When you go to a concert with family rather than friends, why is it that stranger's motives toward you change drastically? I suppose this can go further than just concerts, but this is something I have dealt with for years. I can go to a concert with my friends and have drunk men all over me and then I can go to the same exact concert with my family and all of a sudden I am invisible. Maybe I should always bring my family with me, cause drunk men are gross. 

Have you ever imagined yourself with a hair color completely opposite of your natural hair color? I know people dye their hair all the time, but I have never done anything more than highlight my already very blonde hair. Imagine me with jet black hair... I would look like a sick Addams Family character. 

Ok now this topic might put me in a bad mood. Why is it that you can take two classes in your major with practically the exact same concepts, but have drastically different grades in the two classes? I am currently dealing with this. I am taking two media comm classes for major this semester, yet the grades are an A- vs a.... well I don't want to say what my grade is in the other. Same concepts. SAME CONCEPTS. Yet, completely different scores. Is it because of the class size difference? Teaching style? Professors test format? I don't know, but I am infuriated. I know that I know the material, because I have an A to show for it. So why is it that this class with the same concepts is going to ruin my GPA this semester? I am mad. 

Lastly, why does water not have a taste to some people but it does to others? This confuses me. When people say water doesn't taste like anything I think "Everything has a taste...." 

Anyways, I digress. I hope you enjoyed my stream of consciousness. 

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